Welcome to the Big League Baseball Blog! It feels good to finally have a home. The Big League Blog has been in the works for awhile in the minds of the creators and has finally come to realization.
Let me get this in the open early. We are baseball fans first and foremost and that is where the idea for this blog came from. We don't have much training and use mostly our knowledge of the game from what we hear and talk about on a daily basis. So here at the BLBB we are aiming to provide you with fan's look at what is going on in the baseball world. We want to know what the fans think of trades, wins/losses, and everything else in America's Pastime. Since you are reading this now I'm going to assume you are a baseball fan as well. With this in mind, I encourage you to voice your opinion (keep it clean of course) in our comments section and help make the blog the best it can be.
Remember, email any questions, suggestions, or opinions of baseball and the blog to bigleaguebaseballblog@gmail.com.